
Tools to help you build and understand product with PPP support podcast episode on Purchasing Power Parity

In this episode of, Scott and Wes (also featured on Parity List with his number of courses) talk about Purchasing Power Parity. Wes goes on to describe how he has implemented it on his website, and how it helps him. If you are planning to implement PPP yourself, this is definitely going to help you.

Spotify International Pricing Index

Impressive visualization of Spotify's international pricing made by Matias Singers. When the author moved to Malaysia from Denmark, he noticed the difference between the pricing of Spotify Premium. Following this, he went on great lengths to understand this difference and then project it on the world map. Definitely a recommended read if you are a data nerd.

The Big Mac Index`

How much would a McDonald's Big Mac cost in different countries? This interesting comparison tool between different currency and regions tells you all about it.

Fair pricing for your SaaS product

Sébastien Castiel goes on a deep dive into how whys and whats of Purchasing Power Parity and how to implement it for your product. You can watch it in play on his course on React Hooks.

Localization Benchmarks by Patrick Campbell

Patrick Campbell is considered a prodigy in the SaaS pricing domain. In fact, he co-founded a company that specializes in price optimization. In this research-backed article, he mentions, "Companies that are using market-based localization are seeing nearly double the growth than their non-localized counterparts.".

When Selling in Global Markets, Goes Beyond Currency on Chargebee Blog

Divya Ganesan of Chargebee reaffirms the earlier point made in the Profit Well blog above, that one should start from Cosmetic (currency changes) to true localization (local pricing according to PPP). The examples mention Evernote, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Dropbox.

More resources will be added soon.

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